Return and Refund Policy

Request Confirmation

When you submitted a request, you will get an email for request affirmation with Payment Instructions. When your installment got, we will send you a subsequent email affirming your request is presently in preparing.

In the event that on the off chance that we can’t satisfy your request for reasons unknown or there is an installment issue, at that point we will get in touch with you.

Transportation Confirmation

When your request/s is in preparing it will probably be dispatched inside 24-48 hours. A shipment affirmation mail will be E-sent to you went with a request following number, request following connections and how to reach us in the event that you have any inquiries.

Transportation strategies

We can convey your request to your work or place of residence or PO Box or APO Address.

For, your future request comfort. You can likewise set your Primary delivery address on your My Account page.


We are based seaward in India, and your nearby Customs treat your request as imported products. Your request goes through Customs; there may be a postponement while they measure your request for customs conventions. We propose you that consistently permit additional time and request ahead, so during this stage you are not bothered. This postponement can be only a couple of days to 3 weeks in extraordinary cases before they get in touch with you.

Conveyance times

As a rule, when we got your installment, we immediately transport your request inside 24-48 hours of you setting it. The conveyance times totally rely upon the postal or delivery organizations.

Kindly allude Shipping Rates and ETA for the equivalent.

In the event that you not accessible at the hour of conveyance, a notification will be left exhorting the endeavored conveyance and how to plan redelivery of your thing or at which post office your request is being held for assortment. As a rule, they will hold them there for about a month prior to they are come back to us.

In the event that, if customs hold your request for forthcoming import obligations, they could hold your request for 3-21 days before reaching you.

On the off chance that you won’t get your request inside the standard conveyance time. Kindly permit us an extra 7 days to set up whether your request is deferred essentially, held by customs or to be sure lost.

Reshipments and Lost requests

We are glad to reship or discount for any lost request, If you reach us inside about two months from the boat date. No reshipment/s or discount/s will be acknowledged whether answered to us following two months. We are glad to reship any request that has not conveyed to you yet on the accompanying conditions:

  • An extra 7 days has passed notwithstanding the standard conveyance time since the date of shipment.
  • The delivery address gave by you is right.

You will be charged for the substitution of request, on the off chance that you have given a mistaken location, Our charging group reach you with the discount subtleties, when the first request is come back to us. The discount cycle may accept a little while to months as the “return” postage has not been paid.

Returns and Refunds

For reasons unknown, if your request is harmed on the way or not conveyed, we will re-transport your request. In the event that you rather issue a full discount, we will discount your whole sum according to your solicitation.

Assuming notwithstanding, you got a fractional request, at that point we will give you a full discount, and afterward charged distinctly for the item(s) you got.

We demand you to permit us 30 business days from the day the request was sent. On the off chance that following 30 days, you not got the request, or in the event that you got any notice that your request was waiting or came back to sender, it would be ideal if you get in touch with us at, and we follow up on your solicitation immediately.

Kindly Note: If you have any inquiries/questions identified with your request, at that point please reach us by sending a mail to